
Auri AI is an all-inclusive AI-powered tool aimed at boosting efficiency in writing and transcribing activities. It is compatible with a range of Apple devices and encompasses a suite of functionalities that include a multilingual AI-powered keyboard, a sophisticated AI-driven chat system, intelligent note-taking capabilities, and state-of-the-art transcription solutions.

The multifunctional AI keyboard is designed to assist with a variety of tasks such as composing text, translating languages, rewording phrases, checking for grammatical accuracy, and managing email responses, thus facilitating smoother communication in multiple languages across diverse platforms.

The intelligent AI chat feature offers a collaborative space for generating ideas, setting reminders, and enabling enriched learning experiences. It comes equipped with a powerful voice recording tool that effortlessly converts spoken words into clear, written text.

Smart notes go beyond mere note-taking; they support users in summarizing content, rephrasing text, and correcting linguistic errors like grammar and spelling. This tool also delivers text-to-speech options and is built with a focus on maintaining user privacy.

With its availability on iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple Watch, Auri provides seamless assistance, allowing individuals to consolidate their work efficiently and elevate their overall productivity.
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