KnowledgeGraph GPT

KnowledgeGraph GPT
The KnowledgeGraph GPT is an online tool that leverages the GPT-3 technology developed by OpenAI to transform raw text into a structured knowledge graph layout. Users can input text and use this tool to create a corresponding knowledge graph, with options to both clear the graph and save it in JSON format. This tool's source code is protected by copyright yet it's openly accessible on Github.

OpenAI's GPT-3 is an advanced artificial intelligence model that excels at reformatting freeform language into organized data, which is why it's particularly adept for use in applications like KnowledgeGraph GPT that need to synthesize knowledge graphs from any textual content.

Designed with user-friendliness in mind, KnowledgeGraph GPT requires minimal input to produce a knowledge graph. Furthermore, the application includes functionality to export the graph in the JSON file format, which can then be used for additional examination or incorporated into other software solutions.
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