Certainly! Here's a remixed version of your prompt:

"Craft a digital painting with a square layout, highlighting a chibi-like, curvaceous African American craftswoman with striking eyes and full lips, poised at her sleek white workstation. Her workshop exudes a contemporary minimalistic vibe. She's attired in an elegant white designer blazer paired with denim, diligently customizing a vivid hot pink tumbler, her collection's standout. Her workspace is a model of organization, displaying a laptop with tumbler design software, an assortment of craft tools, and a vibrant series of tumblers ready for sale. Shelves brimming with tumbler-making supplies and completed creations frame her, illustrating her dedication to her art. The digital airbrush style captures the shimmer and intricate reflections of the tumblers, casting a warm hot pink glow throughout the scene."


Generated at
3/18/2024, 7:32:22 AM
By user
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Dall-E 3
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