Create an abstract expressionist landscape painting of the vibrant city of 19th century Paris France, with the Eiffel Tower in the background. Cobblestone streets, street vendors selling fresh fruit and flowers. Men and women wearing their best clothes. 
Utilize the palette knife technique to infuse bold, colorful brushstrokes that convey the energetic atmosphere of the city. Emphasize the architectural landmarks and historical charm of Paris while maintaining the abstract nature of the artwork. Channel the artistic styles of renowned abstract expressionists such as Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko, and Willem de Kooning. Medium: Oil on canvas. Hyper-detailed, resolution 8K, hyper-Realistic, gas lamp dramatic colorful sky lighting.


Generated at
3/16/2024, 2:49:56 AM
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Midjourney Mix Base Model AI is an advanced image-generating AI that blends various artistic styles and techniques to create unique visuals. It utilizes sophisticated machine learning to produce detailed and diverse artworks, suitable for a wide range of creative applications.
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