/imagine prompt:A hyper-realistic photograph of a hybrid flower between an Orchid and a Gerbera Daisy, petals transitioning through an intensified gradient of vivid rainbow colors, showcasing the exquisite beauty and vibrant energy of the hybrid. Each petal radiates with the colors of the rainbow, against a naturally soft, blurred background, emphasizing the flower's dramatic visual appeal and unique structure. Created Using: ultra-vivid color palette, hyper-realistic detail, maximum saturation, refined texture clarity, dynamic lighting and contrast, strategic depth of field, harmonious background blur, ambient light refinement, glibatree prompt --ar 1:1


Generated at
3/17/2024, 1:03:58 PM
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Midjourney Mix Base Model AI is an advanced image-generating AI that blends various artistic styles and techniques to create unique visuals. It utilizes sophisticated machine learning to produce detailed and diverse artworks, suitable for a wide range of creative applications.
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