Deranged puppets are we, 

Bloodied strings tangled on rotting thorns. We slit our wrists on empty prayers/ 

To feed the whore with tainted blood. 

Seek and you shall find her, 

Legs spread wide, 

No fee, 

Only consequence. 

Her umbilical cord is a snake/ 

Feeding off abandoned souls/ 

Cremating their dreams. 

In her world, 

Angels dance with corpses, 

And heaven vomits up fallen stars. 

The night quivers in her presence. 

Discarded fetus, 

Lost in the back alley of our nightmares, 

Crawling amongst the bones of its forefathers/ 

As hypocrisy drips from the stones. 

On the horizon, 

The sun slowly melts into a lake of bile, 

The moon struggles to lift herself from the pervasive slune. Black rain begins to fall. 

Fucking slaves! 

The truth is sewage to your nostrils, 

Like swine to the trough, 

You feed happily on political vomit, 

Choking on the phlegm of your filthy lies.


Generated at
3/17/2024, 8:31:44 PM
By user
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