"Create a 3-D realistic, digital painting of a president Barack Obama, and Michelle Obama posing together affectionately. The man has a warm smile and is dressed in a classic dark blue suit with a light blue tie, with a bit of gray at his temples hinting at wisdom and experience. The woman is leaning on him with a beaming smile, her long hair falling over her shoulders, and she’s wearing a dark, elegant sweater. They both exude an aura of grace and camaraderie. The background is a soft blend of warm colors that complements the subjects without detracting from them. Please make sure the figures are not identifiable as any real individuals."


Generated at
3/19/2024, 12:58:32 AM
By user
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Dall-E 3
DALL-E 3 is a cutting-edge AI that creates detailed and imaginative images from text prompts, catering to artists and creators for versatile visual generation. DALL-E 3 brings your ideas to life like never before, transcending boundaries and captivating audiences with its exceptional image generation capabilities.
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