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Generation result #402053
Storyboard: 12 Sketchy B/W Frames Scene 1: Waking Up at Night Shot 1: Overhead shot of a rumpled double bed. Woman asleep; empty side indicates absence of a man. Dim lighting; disturbing chainsaw-like sound from the kitchen. Shot 2: Close-up of the woman waking in fear, sharp shadows highlighting wide eyes. Scene 2: Moving to Kitchen Shot 1: Medium shot of her grabbing a baseball bat from the coat rack. Soft lighting; centered framing. Shot 2: POV shot from phone camera as she walks. Phone spotlight illuminates dim walls; suspenseful music builds. Scene 3: Approaching the Kitchen Shot 1: Close-up of her feet walking towards a blood-like trail near the counter. Eerie lighting, suspenseful music, and blender noise intensify. Shot 2: Medium close-up of her raising the bat, dim light focusing on her tense posture. Scene 4: The Reveal Shot 1: Phone light reveals husband blending something under the counter. Wide shot shows both characters, the blender between them. Shot 2: Close-up of her hand pressing a light switch. Warm yellow light floods the kitchen, music softens. Shot 3: Close-up of husband with red splatters on his glasses and clothes. Shot 4: Blender close-up reveals red fruits blending, vibrant under natural light. Shot 5: Black screen with product slogan: “Refresh Yourself, Anytime, Anywhere!” Calm narration. Shot 6: Medium shot of the couple on a loveseat, toasting with juice. Warm lighting; playful resolution.
Generated at
1/23/2025, 7:09:58 PM
By user
Amirmasoud Tavassoli
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