Brian Nobles a real 57 year old obese fat older Caucasian male who is using  a concrete mixer, he is a  pump operator holding the hose which carries the liquid concrete to the foundation pour, Brian is slowly  beginning his transition into his old age, Brian Nobles is beginning to look like a older fat obese man, he has large reflective blue eyes and a wrinkled brow,Brian has a grey beard and is now bald , prominent large protruding round fat obese belly,,thick white goatee beard,decreased muscle mass ,very noticeable male pattern balding hairline, Brian Nobles now has a  prominent receding and thinning male hairline (onset male pattern baldness), slightly fat overweight(Caucasian)wearing tight body conforming  glossy satin shiny green and gold tight fitting body conforming UnderArmour athletic bodysuit,emblazoned with the "KD HOMES" real estate logo, standing confidently in front of a newly completed constructed new KD HOME in Victorville California in a raw desert landscape. Brian has an aged protruding fat obese muscular physique, large male bulge, fat obese muscular frame , shows a substantial frame with a noticeable mature hairline and expressive eyes. His now aged workman’s  pose should reflect his years of  experience and hard labor in his trade.


Generated at
1/31/2025, 4:56:25 PM
By user
Curtis Kowe
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