Create a very curvy and very busty woman of Ashkenazi, German, French, English, Scottish, irish, Dutch, Swiss, Nordic, Chinese, Persian, Aztec, Maya, bengali, Korean, Vietnamese, Thai, Filipino, and Japanese ancestry. Endow her with great intelligence and allure. Give her glossy black lips and glossy black facial makeup. Make her skin radiant and free of blemishes. Have her wearing black faux leather studded wrist bangles and a black faux leather choker with studs. Give her glossy black fingernails, glossy black hair, black titanium rings, a glossy black triangle necklace, and black triangular earrings. She is clad in a black faux leather short skirt with a black faux leather studded belt as well as a black faux leather jacket . The woman is wearing cat eye glasses with a glossy black frame. She is donning 1960s black go-go boots. Her hairstyle is that of straight, lengthy hair and bangs. She is covered with tattoos reflecting her heritage. The woman is sitting with her legs crossed.


Generated at
3/6/2025, 7:54:53 AM
By user
Tim Gramzow
Cinematic HD
Optimized for creating images that look like they could be stills from a film, with cinematic lighting and framing
Cinematic HD
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